Steve's Oyster Stew

Dice onion (about ¼" square pieces). Lightly sautée onion in butter over low heat for about 15 minutes. Do not allow to brown.

Pass all the liquid from the oysters through a fine sieve to remove any grit. Add the strained liquid to the pan with the sautéed onion and reduce until slightly thick. (Do not skip this step. This "oyster liquor" is very important to acheive the desired taste.)

Add the milk and sugar and reduce by half over low heat. By this time the oyster liquor will have curdled, having become fairly lumpy.

Let reduced mixture cool slightly and purée in food processor untl very smooth.

Place puréed mixture in large pot and heat until simmering. Add oysters and white pepper and bring again to a low simmer. Don't over-cook the oysters or they will become tough. Add salt and additional sugar to achieve the desired taste.

Note: The quality of the oysters is very important. I recommend Hilton's fresh shucked Pacific Willapoint oysters (farm raised). These can be ordered through