Steve's Chestnut Purée

With a sharp knife, slice a slit through the flat part of the shell of each chestnut. Soak the sliced chestnuts in water for at least 1 minute.

Microwave 6 chestnut halves for about 30 seconds. Immediately remove shells and skins while still hot using a damp towel. If skin cannot be removed from a chestnut, then drop in boiling water until skin loosens. Repeat for additional groups of 6 chestnut halves until all chestnuts are shelled.

Cook the shelled chestnuts in chicken broth, celery, and bay leaves until most of the liquid is evaporated, turning down the heat toward the end so that chestnuts do not burn. Remove bay leaves and all but 1 piece of the celery.

Place chestnuts and cream in food processor and puree. Add chicken broth as needed for proper consistency. The puree should be smooth but not soupy. Add Steve's magic paste, sugar, and salt (more or less to taste) and continuing processing. Serves 24.

*Note: Enough chicken broth is needed so that when it is added to the pot to boil the chestnuts, it just covers the chestnuts plus about 1 inch.